Sunday, 13 May 2012

More of Suriname

 Now, I know it's been a long time since I updated the post. But, so many things have happened. Here are some pics I took at a street parade we saw. We didn't know enough Dutch to figure out what was going on, but it was interesting.



Capybaras sitting outside the hotel

Then, did I forget to tell you about the other interesting thing about the hotel we stayed at? Well, I bet you don't know any hotels that have pets like these hanging around??? Do you even know what they ARE????  Well, here's a clue... They're rodents. Yes, RODENTS.

Anyway, here are some other interesting pics from Suriname's capital, Paramaribo... 
 Buses parked beside the waterfront where the boats are parked up too. :)

Just interesting hair...
 Jamaica's influence deh ALL bout. 

 Red Stripe anyone?
And sunday afternoon... market?


  1. Mi muma! what a HUGE rodent! No sah....

  2. LOL. Right!!! But at least they won't sneak in through your open windows or under your door like some of those OTHERS!!! LOL
