Wednesday 29 August 2012

The hazardous walk to work

For a long time I've been meaning to tell you about my walks to work. Somehow in the hot sun, I feel the danger is multiplied. When I leave out to work by the time I'm closing my door, I'm certain of the need for an umbrella. Either because it's raining, or because the sun is beating down in my back! As I get out the gate and start out down the road, I'm trying to cross the line of cars that is forming at the traffic light. Now, I'm only three houses down from the traffic light, so if they've passed my house and the light is red, they have to stop in a few feet. But you would NEVER know this from the speed with which they APPROACH!!!!!

I meander through the cars and head down the main road towards my office. Two men at the construction site feel they must call out to me. I reply and walk ahead. A bus conductor is trying to get my attention. This is normally done by pursing your lips and making a kissing sound. Except this is a looooong, exaggerated kiss. He wants to know if I'm coming to his bus... even though I'm heading south and he's on a corner going west. A man on his bicycle who is going west veers around and rides up beside me.
Good morning. How far you going?
I wonder why this is any of his business. I say good morning and keep walking.
You looking good today. Can I get your phone number?
Whaaaaat? Is he crazy? But I smile confidently and keep going. He is now riding beside me... The chatter and the offers keep up all the way down the road.

My feet are twisting on the uneven roadside as I try to manoeuver gingerly along. There is no sidewalk. There is sand/dirt at the side of the road if you would prefer to walk in that rather than twisting your feet constantly. What's the trade-off? Dirty feet? I cut a square around the leaky pipe that has left a puddle outside one of the shops. This is not easy. The cars going past at 90mph do NOT care if you need to step an inch into the street. As they go by I can feel more than a few of them as they whiz past. They're that close. Occasionally I whip my head around in horror as I realize my elbow almost left my side. This is no joke. A fellow volunteer was already knocked as he walked down the street. These are the daily rigours of Georgetown!!!  Walk STRAIGHT. Do not step an inch outside of your zone, because believe me, the driver speeding past has NOT calculated for that. And he is going to pass and raise the hair on your arms. If you have to cross the street, do not assume that when you turn around you can do so at a wide angle. Better step BACKWARDS as you turn. That mistake could cost you dearly!

By now, a dog has come running up to me. I remember how my housemate was bitten. I hold my breath and keep my umbrella handy. The dog jogs beside me. Oh goodie, one dog on the left, a man on a bicycle on the right. The other thing you have to watch out for is roadkill and animal droppings. Now, dog doo is bad enough, but, if a horse has gone by you have that to contend with AS WELL. If he went by a long time ago, it's just dried stuff you don't want to avoid. But, if he went by 1/2 hr ago, you're in TROUBLE! You definitely DON'T NEED THAT. But, this is not just up to your cute tip-toeing. If you're walking along and a car goes by, that stuff is kicked up by the wheel and splashes in all directions! YIKES!

The man on the right is frustrated about not getting my number even though he's offered to buy me a phone. He gives up just as I'm about to turn into the street on which I work. Good I don't know what I would've done if he'd continued to follow me. I don't really want him to know where I work. The one on four legs continues with me. Where is he GOING???

There is a HUGE lake across the street. This from all the rain that has been falling. The road has been eaten out and there is nowhere for the water to run. So, of course it only gets deeper each day. I need rain boots to cross here.  I make it across and finally get in to work. The dog tries to follow me in. What's up with THAT? But, at least he didn't bite me. And I'm now safely inside....


  1. Hahaah Janice you've captured a routine walk through GT sooo well! Love it!

  2. OOOh Lord, what a journey. Sounds like you have "prospects" in Guyana, man! LOL

  3. Hahahah. Aalia, you KNOW how it's been, right? LOL. Nads, men calling out to women are EVERYWHERE in the Caribbean!! LOL. Soooo typical.

    1. Wah mek yuh neva accept the offer for the phone? LMAO

  4. Awww, such a thoughtful dog to accompany you to work. Welcome to "Dog Aura World"!
